As stated in he latest edition of Rolling, your committee has considered the wisdom of holding the AGM weekend and has decided that it would be better not to hold the weekend as advertised but to revert to holding the AGM itself via Zoom on the same date. We believe that, although the Covid situation appears to be improving, it is not sensible for us to put members at risk by continuing with the live meetings and visits.
The meeting will take a similar form to last year's with us only covering the essentials needed to comply with the constitution. The new constitution that the committee hoped to bring to the AGM will not now be brought forward as it is essential that members have every opportunity to question and debate the issues. We believe this is not possible using the Zoom format and the committee will make a decision at their next meeting as to the best way to take this forward.
Members wishing to attend hte AGM by Zoom must contact the Secretary (details as printed in Rolling) to receive the log in details and the AGM papers. These will not be available until after 10th February as we need to wait untill 21 days before the meeting to allow for any nominations and motions to be sent to the Secretary.
Richard Newman